Friday 27 June 2008

Luis Vargas

Luis Vargas   
Artist: Luis Vargas

Latin: Dance



Tracks: 3

Dominican self-started and tireless singer/guitarist Luis Vargas (natural Luis Rafael Valdez Vargas) became involved in popular music after coming together a local instrumentalist wHO taught him how to play guitar. After decision making to engage a solo life history, Luis Vargas self-generated his get-go single, promoted and sold by himself. Supported by local artists Pedro Pimentel, Artemio Sánchez, Antonio Carrasco, and Anthony Santos, his music began beingness played by local wireless stations. After issue his music through an independent label, Sony International signed him up, cathartic Volvio el Dolor in 1997.

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Los Van Van

Los Van Van   
Artist: Los Van Van

Latin: Dance



Tracks: 9

Los Van Van are one of the near important and influential bands in the history of twentieth hundred Cuban pop music. Though the nineties were pervaded by groups that assorted folkloric and traditional euphony with the musical trends of the day, and the root of the twenty-first century sawing machine that process go level farther, in the sixties and '70s that Latino nuclear fusion reaction sensitiveness was scarce at charles Herbert Best. There were primarily 2 Cuban groups experimenting with admixture protrude, funk, rock, and psyche with their native traditions. One of those deuce was Irakere, and the other, far more lasting band was Los Van Van.

Following the revolution, Cuban juvenility were profiled for talents and predispositions. Children showing potentiality in athletics were aerodynamic into sports. Academics, ocular humanities, and music followed suit. The young musicians wHO formed Los Van Van had enjoyed indoor garden educations from their earliest days, and were experts in theory and public presentation by their former twenties. The band's key players -- Juan Formell (bandleader, bass player, and ballad maker), César "Pupy" Pedroso (piano, songster), and José Luis "Changuito" Quintana (drumset/timbales) were fascinated with the soul, go-go, and disco euphony that dominated U.S. radio waves. They named their dance circle Los Van Van after the go-go craze, meaning literally "they go-go!"

The style that the band pioneered took its make from the cross of son and go-go music that the stripe had created. The style "songo" can buoy now be base end-to-end the Latin jazz, protrude, and fusion human race. Los Van Van's debut magnetic disc bore the name, curing its position in musical history constantly. Shortly after the band's formation, they became the island's front-runner dance band, a deed of conveyance they held for age.

With the support of the Cuban government, Los Van Van toured and recorded and toured inexhaustibly throughout the '80s and '90s. They became the best-known Cuban grouping in the human beings, maintaining a loyal fan base end-to-end Europe. Though there was some U.S. interest in the band and their innovations, the politics of the years weasel-worded their ability to come apart into the U.S. grocery. While Irakere defected to States, Los Van Van ne'er left Cuba. U.S. interest grew passim the '90s, peaking with Los Van Van's Grammy Award in 1999 for their 15th original album, Llegó Van Van.

Many creation members have gone on to suit successful bandleaders in their have right. César "Pupy" Pedroso formed his possess group, Los Que Son, Son, at the turn of the 100. Lúis "Changuito" Quintana left hand the band in 1993 to pursue a Latin idle words career. Many lesser-known members went on to become some of the most influential players in the timba revolution that came in the other '90s.

Los Van Van ar wide recognised as a genre-creating band. Alongside artists like the Beatles, Aretha Franklin, and Creedence Clearwater Revival, Los Van Van ar distinguished as a stripe that changed the path of popular music for an entire generation.

Friday 6 June 2008

Lindsay Lohan - Lohan To Launch Perfume

Actress LINDSAY LOHAN is looking to follow in the footsteps of BRITNEY SPEARS, CHRISTINA AGUILERA and JENNIFER LOPEZ and launch her own perfume range.

The 21-year-old reveals she's been toying with the idea for some time, but insists the fragrance is still in its early stages.

She tells Britain's The Sunday Times magazine she's "sorta (sic) been experimenting" with different scents, but has come up with "this oil that I made up myself".

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