Thursday 14 August 2008

Sid Ganis re-elected at AMPAS

Will be his fourth and last term as president

Sid Ganis has been re-elected to his fourth consecutive -- and last -- term as chairwoman of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

Meeting Tuesday night, the Academy's board of governors also re-elected Robert Rehme, a governor in the executives ramification, to the post of first vp.

Other officers for the sexual climax year include new vps Kathleen Kennedy and Hawk Koch, both from the producers arm; executive branch governor Tom Sherak, elected treasurer; and public relations branch governor Cheryl Boone Isaacs, secretary.

Academy board members serve three-year terms, patch officers dish out one-year terms, with a maximum of four sequent terms in any 1 office.

Isaacs antecedently served a term each as vp and financial officer, Koch served one term as treasurer, and Rehme has served in versatile officer posts, including president of the United States, for a total of 17 terms.

Kennedy and Sherak will serve their number 1 terms as officers.

Ganis' output company, Out of the Blue ... Entertainment, has been housed at Sony since 1996. Before that, he held various posts at Sony, including vice chairwoman of Columbia Pictures and president of worldwide selling for Columbia/TriStar Motion Picture Cos. He has also had gigs as chair of the studio's apparent motion picture grouping; president of worldwide marketing at Paramount Pictures; and senior vp at Lucasfilm.

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

DJ Kleber Coiti

DJ Kleber Coiti   
Artist: DJ Kleber Coiti

Drum & Bass


Live on Clubtronic Energia 97 FM 02 25   
 Live on Clubtronic Energia 97 FM 02 25

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 1


May boxoffice down overseas